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S o f t w a r e

Seitosh Repository

S e i t o s h

The source code of my programs and program libraries is available for anonymous download and fork from the Seitosh (A Seismologist's Tool Shed) git repository. Seitosh is a successor of the TFSoftware repository, which is no longer available online.

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S o f t w a r e

Tides on Earth

T o E

Software projects for the synthesis and analysis of tidal signals are provided in the gitlab group Tides on Earth.

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S o f t w a r e


O p e n T O A S T

A community platform to share software, knowledge, contacts, and data for seismic full waveform inversion is provided by the OpenTOAST initiative. It offers links to several resources as well as contact information and an email list.

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S o f t w a r e

Links to software

L i n k s

Seismological Software

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